Legally change your name right here.

Four easy steps to your brand new identity.

You can start the process of officially and legally changing your name by deed poll right here and now by following our simple four-step process:

Fill in our quick and easy online form

Basically your name and address with the details of your new name.

Sample your deed poll document

We’ll send you your sample name change deed straight away.

Confirm and pay when you are happy

Review your sample document and complete your payment of £9.99 when you are ready to go ahead.

Download or Order

We send you your professional PDF change of name document together with advice on registering with relevant government departments.

A final note before you legally change your name.

Before you get started, remember to act responsibly when considering your new name. You can be legally known as anything you like but official bodies such as the passport office do have the right to refuse you a passport if they feel that the name infringes on registered trademarks, or damages the integrity of the British passport.

Ready to get started?

Okay, click below and begin your legal name change process
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